Will You Be Able To Retire?

Are you confident that you will be able to retire when you want to? Retirement planning is something that you should be thinking about throughout your adult life. With that said, it’s never too early or too late to start. With the launch of jeffreyyopyk.ca, I am offering anyone who contacts me through my website a free retirement projections report. The process to obtain this report is simple.

  1. Contact me through my website.
  2. I will send you a data collection form.
  3. Fill in the form to the best of your ability and email it back to me.
  4. I will then put together a report for your unique situation.
  5. You can then choose to have the report emailed to you or to schedule an appointment for a full review of the report.

The retirement readiness report may include projections in the following areas:

  • a) Net Worth
  • b) After Tax Spending
  • c) Sources of Income
  • d) Estate Summary
  • e) Detailed Cash Flow

The report will be done using Snap Projections which is an online retirement calculator designed for financial advisors. Your report can be used as a stand alone product to help you plan for your retirement on your own or it can be an introduction to Step Two of my Six-Step Process of financial planning. If desired, recommendations can also be made on how to improve your financial situation for retirement.